Gets An Upgrade

In October 1998,  John Morton and I produced one of the first WMD conferences in Washington, DC.  Speaker after speaker proclaimed, ‘Not if, but when!’  That call lead to the establishment of, formally registered with InterNIC on 11-November-98.


Since 1998, many things have happened.  9/11, the almost forgotten 10/11 (America’s first bio-conflict), two overseas wars, and, the creation of a new Department, to name only a few.  With these developments, the IMR Group, Inc. has evolved.  

Over the course of the last two years, in addition to this ePublication, the group has developed and produced 10 printed First Responder Network inserts and one Property Management Network insert.  We designed and built a trade show PAVILION that has exhibited to Emergency Managers in Illinois, New Jersey,Texas and Florida.


And now, it is time to mark DomesticPreparedness.coms fifth anniversary with a major upgrade.  In addition to a much needed facelift, this dynamically served site is housed on a robust dual processing UNIX machine.  We intend to take advantage of our newcomputing power, and continue to assist industry present their solutions to themany DomesticPreparedness communities responsible to protect, respond and prevent harm to our homeland.


Ideas, suggestions, comments and criticisms are alwayswelcome.


Marty Masiuk


The IMR Group


Martin D. Masiuk

Martin (Marty) Masiuk is president and founder of International Media Representatives Inc. (IMR Group Inc.), which was established in 1986 as an American-based media representation firm for overseas, aerospace, and defense publications. In 1998, under the IMR Group, he established, which has evolved into a highly trusted, and important information service for the multi-disclipline, multi-jurisdiction preparedness community. In 2014, he transitioned the DomPrep40 into the Preparedness Leadership Council to lessen the burden on and increase the effectiveness of operational preparedness professionals and help policy professionals make better-informed decisions. Prior to IMR Group, he served as an account representative for McGraw Hill’s Business Week and Aviation Week & Space Technology publications.



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