Article Out Loud – Attaining Resilience: Getting From Here to There

By ROBERT MCCREIGHT, An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness Journal Flashback, September 28, 2011.

As communities assess damage and destruction from tornados and other disasters, questions remain regarding what constitutes resilience. This 2011 article provides a robust analysis of the problem.

Narrated by Randy Vivian.

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Robert McCreight

Dr. Robert McCreight has over 35 years of experience in the U.S. State Department working in such major fields as global security, arms control, intelligence operations, biowarfare, nuclear weaponry, counterterrorism, emergency humanitarian missions, and political-military affairs. He served concurrently for 27 years in the U.S. military – primarily in intelligence, psychological operations, civil affairs, and logistics. His teaching areas of expertise include counterterrorism analysis, homeland security, regional security, and treaty verification. He has written a number of articles for the Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, the Strategic Studies Quarterly and the International Journal of Homeland Security on homeland security, emergency management, and national defense subjects and is an adjunct professor in the graduate programs of both the University of Nevada and The George Washington University.



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