Vulnerability and Exploitation – Human Trafficking After Natural Disasters

  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines preparedness as “a continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action to ensure effective coordination during incident response.” This cycle is but one component of a larger National Preparedness System designed to prevent, respond to, and recover from natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other catastrophic events. To properly prepare, communities and private and public agencies must accurately assess risks and threats. Disasters…

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A Homeland Vulnerability Continues

The U visa process offers help to immigrants who are victims of certain violent crimes. However, loopholes or weaknesses in the process could provide a safe haven for undeserving applicants. Learn more about the process, its flaws, and how to close the gaps to guard against foreign threats while protecting
Male Security Officer Wearing Cap Trying To Listen Something On Earphones

What Level of Ugly Are Communities Prepared For?

The July 2024 attempted assassination of Former President Donald Trump raised questions about event security, the roles that agencies play, and the planning and execution of those roles. This article provides lessons learned and best practices that emergency preparedness and public safety professionals should consider before, during, and after upcoming
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Resilience-Based CI and Domestic Preparedness: A Long-Overdue Imperative

For decades, preparedness leaders have known and publicly warned about the rapidly growing and metastasizing threats to and exploitable vulnerabilities of U.S. critical infrastructure (CI). Ongoing iterations of the 1990s-era CI status quo (i.e., cybersecurity- and protection-focused efforts) have proven no match for the existing, much less looming, threats to
NYPD police car and other emergency vehicles behind police tape and surrounded with smoke

National Security: A Range of Threats

From organized foreign terrorist groups to homegrown terrorists inspired by them, members of the intelligence community have indicated that the threat of attack inside the U.S. has increased to its highest point since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Communities must explore solutions to meet the ongoing challenges and


The Race to Interoperability

The Boston Marathon Bombing demonstrated the dedication, commitment, and strength of those who responded that day. The lessons learned from that event continue to strengthen

Healthcare and Public Health Sector Perspectives

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National Preparedness Efforts Among Tribal Communities

Participants at the National Tribal Emergency Management Council’s annual conference in August shared some key takeaways for tribal and nontribal communities to improve their disaster


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Vulnerability and Exploitation – Human Trafficking After Natural Disasters

  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defines preparedness as “a continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective action to ensure effective coordination during incident response.” This cycle is but one component of a larger National Preparedness System designed to prevent, respond to, and recover from natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other catastrophic events. To properly prepare, communities and private and public agencies must accurately assess risks and threats. Disasters…

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Unattended suitcase in the middle of a populated airport terminal

The Missing Plague Vials

A true story of missing bubonic plague vials, an airport bomb threat, and other suspicious activities again demonstrate continued national


Family Terror Networks 2.0: January 6, Part 2

Research shows family-affiliated extremism contributed to more than one-sixth of all January 6 defendants. Homeland security and law enforcement agencies must understand family-affiliated extremism and

Family Terror Networks 2.0: January 6, Part 1

Research shows family-affiliated extremism contributed to more than one-sixth of all January 6 defendants. Homeland security and law enforcement agencies must understand family-affiliated extremism and

Virtual Reality Training Revolution Is Here

The click-through, good-enough training, ubiquitous in many organizations, is not good enough anymore. A Harvard Business Review article titled “Where Companies Go Wrong with Learning and Development” (L&D) discovered that


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