Keeping Humans in the Loop: The Future of Emergency Management

  In an era in which disasters are increasingly complex, and technology’s role is ever-expanding, the landscape of emergency management is undergoing a seismic shift. Emergency managers face challenges ranging from escalating natural hazards and cyberthreats to pandemics that cripple nations. Leaders grapple with a lack of resources, an overload of incomplete and constantly changing information, and an ever-expanding scope of responsibilities. Amid this uncertainty, the emergence of powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tools generates excitement…

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Overcoming Communications Challenges: A Hurricane Helene Success

As part of the Texas Division of Emergency Management’s Hurricane Helene Incident Support Task Force, Emergency Management Coordinator Jarod Rosson experienced firsthand what it is like to respond to a disaster when all ground-based forms of communication are offline.

The Current State of the Opioid Crisis & Other Emerging Threats

Opioid deaths have surged dramatically since the pandemic. Manufacturers exploit legal loopholes and use precursor chemicals that often evade detection and regulation. These new and growing threats present challenges to public safety that demand innovative solutions and a proactive approach.

Evolution of a Critical Emergency Response Tool

During a derecho in May 2024, Texas agencies contacted and conducted wellness checks on residents with disabilities or with functional and access needs. One tool facilitated the process, sharing critical information about registrants to the emergency responders and planners who needed to know.

A Data-Driven Approach to Police Recruitment and Retention

From the rise of advanced criminal networks and borderless crimes to the persistent hurdles of limited resources, inadequate training, and outdated tools, law enforcement departments navigate an increasingly demanding landscape. Big data and artificial intelligence can help build and maintain this critical public safety workforce.


Protecting Critical Infrastructure From Weaponized Drones

Electricity substations are traditionally only protected by chain link fences and signage warning of the dangers of high voltage. However, this still leaves property vulnerable,

Backyard Cybersecurity: The Local Challenge

The modern world increasingly relies on rapidly advancing digital technology, and cybercriminals progressively focus on ways to exploit technology’s vulnerabilities. Although higher levels of government


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Keeping Humans in the Loop: The Future of Emergency Management

  In an era in which disasters are increasingly complex, and technology’s role is ever-expanding, the landscape of emergency management is undergoing a seismic shift. Emergency managers face challenges ranging from escalating natural hazards and cyberthreats to pandemics that cripple nations. Leaders grapple with a lack of resources, an overload of incomplete and constantly changing information, and an ever-expanding scope of responsibilities. Amid this uncertainty, the emergence of powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tools generates excitement…

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Drones: A Life-Saving Time-Saver

As drone technology continues to evolve, it is important for law enforcement and other first responder agencies to understand the range of possible applications and

Fentanyl Hazards and Detection

The deadly opioid epidemic in the United States does not stop at overdoses. It also poses life-threatening exposure to first responders who arrive on scene.

A Modern Take on an Age-Old Biological Weapon

Reports about North Korea launching balloons filled with fecal matter and propaganda into South Korean territory were intriguing. However, this incident raises public health concerns


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