Melissa Resnick
Dr.MelissaResnick is presently a research scientist at the University at Buffalo, Jacob School of Medicine’s Department of Biomedical Informatics. Melissa (with guide-dog “Lido”) earned abachelor’sdegreein biologyfrom the University at Albany, amaster’s (with guide-dog “Ember”) inpsychology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, amaster’s (with guide-dog “Ditto”) inlibraryscience from Queens College, and adoctorate (with guide-dog “Cora”) from the University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston inbiomedicalinformatics. She spent 4 years of academic fellowship at the National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine. Becoming interested in the intersection of medicine, informatics,and disaster preparedness/emergency management (“DPEM”) during a national pandemic, Dr. Resnick began supplemental studies in Frederick Community College’s degree program inemergencymanagement and is currently pursuing amaster’s in DPEM at Arkansas State University, which focuses on healthcare. She recently earned her Associate Emergency Manager (AEM®) professional designation from the International Association of Emergency Managers and is presently pursuing the Certified Emergency Manager (CEM®) professional designation. Melissa has been fortunate to independently travel to over 15 countries, Alaska, Hawaii,and most major U.S. cities. Dr. Resnick is open to professional collaborations.
- Melissa Resnick#molongui-disabled-link