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Dispensing a Higher Health Care Role to Pharmacists

U.S. doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals are the best in the world – also among the most overworked. Fortunately, a greater share of the workload can be assumed by another highly trained & well educated group of medical professionals, the nation’s pharmacists – who also will play a

The Complex Biology of Chemical Threats

Chemicals are chemicals and biologicals are biologicals, but there are some substances – particularly useful in terrorist attacks – that are a little bit of both. Here is a short list of some but by no means all of these potentially lethal substances now receiving greater attention not only from

U.S. Vaccine Development: Expediting the Process

Influenza and many other diseases spread with the speed of summer lightning. The “cure” for these frequently fatal viruses moves at a much slower pace – largely because the testing and validation processes take so long. Fortunately, there are new approaches coming into play to expedite those processes while still

Update on Private Sector Preparedness (PS-Prep) Standards

The 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks against the WTC Towers & the Pentagon theoretically “galvanized the nation” – but it still took roughly three years before the 9/11 Commission recommended the development and promulgation of “private-sector preparedness standards.” Another six years have passed, and three of those standards are ready

International vs. National Standards Development – Sister Processes

From the glory days of the Roman empire to the space age the mandatory width of a public road had to be “enough to accommodate two horses pulling a chariot and trotting side by side” – or so the story goes. Today, the setting of minimum widths, sizes, etc. –

Pandemics Are In The Air

Lightning strikes are sudden and spectacular, highly visible, and extremely violent. Not to mention lethal. Bacteria and viruses are just the opposite – totally invisible, in fact. But they kill many more people, in every country in the world, year after year than lightning does. It may be helpful to

Common Standards for CBRN PPE – An International Code

Today’s well dressed emergency responder may not be featured in many fashion magazines and/or on TV commercials, but the personal protective equipment he or she is wearing is not only functional but also, usually, a very tight fit. An accessory bonus: It might also save his or her life.

Biopreparedness and the Hydra of Bioterrorism

Science is wonderful! Except when it is not. One of the almost inevitable problems facing researchers in the biological sciences is how to ensure that their discoveries are used to benefit mankind. Unfortunately, achieving that enviable goal may be a true Mission Impossible.

Telemedicine: Funding Increases & Rapid-Paced Development

It started with extremely low-tech audio communications, and in recent years telemedicine technology has spawned a spectrum of much more advanced systems and devices that are of literally life-or-death importance to many citizens in distress. But the paperwork – specifically including development and performance standards – has not kept up.


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Article Out Loud – Why Public Works Needs a Seat at the Planning Table

This is an article by Greg Hoffnung, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, January 8, 2025. Despite their critical role in disaster response, public works agencies are not always included in the emergency planning process. Key steps can help ensure that these and other agencies can more effectively respond

Article Out Loud – Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Management

This is an article by Alex Hagen and Jon Barr, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, December 18, 2024. Recent research into the relationship between AI and emergency management uncovered an environment prepared for AI-based solutions. While AI must overcome some infrastructure hurdles, technologies to prevent, mitigate, and recover

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – Introducing AI to the Emergency Management Workforce: A Case Study

This is an article by Lenora G. Borchardt, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, December 18, 2024. AI can contribute to professional competency and learners’ success while efficiently training emergency management professionals and managing the bottom line. Learn how AI can create competency and outcomes-based learning tailored to each

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – Protecting Critical Infrastructure From Weaponized Drones

Electricity substations are traditionally only protected by chain-link fences and signage warning of the dangers of high voltage. However, this still leaves property vulnerable, especially to weaponized drones attacking from above, a mode of terrorism being used more extensively across the world and at home. Learn about the vulnerability of

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – Why Messaging Matters: A Regionalized Approach to Alerts and Warnings

Full article by Soraya Sutherlin, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness. Effective, timely, and unified communication across jurisdictions is essential for saving lives. The 2015 ExxonMobil refinery explosion highlighted the urgent need for coordinated, cross-jurisdictional alerting. Emergency managers, public safety officials, and policymakers must come together to prioritize a

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – The Nexus Between Major Events and Human Trafficking

Full article by Madeline Mann and Lindsey Lane, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, November 27, 2024. Most available data do not support the misconception that large-scale events lead to increased human trafficking. Rather, available evidence underscores a harsh truth: Human trafficking is a pervasive problem every day, not


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