Elegant Community Preparation

Elegant community preparation means having a process that makes disaster planning efforts simpler for community members. By collaboratively focusing on novel factors in an easily understood way, individuals and families can better prepare for any disaster or disruption.

Navigating the Seismic Dance: Preparedness in the Ring of Fire

The Pacific Ring of Fire, a moniker that evokes images of volatility and destruction, is not merely a geographic term but a constant reminder of humans’ vulnerability to the earth’s whims. Learn about the multifaceted nature of earthquake risks and delineate the indispensable role organizations play in mitigating the impacts

Sustaining Those Working in Disasters

Those working in emergency response roles can face periods of prolonged stress, which takes a toll on their health and well-being. It is important to know how to support them before, during, and after emergencies and disasters. By taking a hazards approach, leaders and their teams will be better equipped

Mental Awareness to Enhance Preparedness

Emergency managers, public health officials, and first responders often stress the importance of physical fitness, but what about mental fitness? Without focused mental agility in even one of the emergency management phases, mistakes or subpar performance are likely. Learn about this author’s new acronym that can help prioritize mental health

The “R” Word

Resilience has multiple meanings for public health, emergency, and homeland security management professionals. However, the objective of building resilience should go beyond hazard mitigation. With 2024 being FEMA’s “Year of Resilience,” it is a good time for professionals to start rethinking this concept.

Dungeons and Disasters: Gamification of Public Health Responses

New technologies offer new ways to train personnel and exercise public health responses like COVID-19 and prepare response agencies for many other threats and hazards. Gamification integrates realistic scenarios in a controlled environment that can enhance community capabilities and build interagency collaboration and coordination. Learn more about this training and

Interoperability During Mass Casualty Incidents

During a mass casualty incident, response agencies must be able to communicate in real-time. This means that interoperability plans need to include everyone involved in the response. One lesson learned from past incidents is that hospitals are an often overlooked “responder.” Learn what one agency is doing to close this

Week 2 – Restoring Infrastructure and Instilling Resilience

The Key Bridge collapse was not the first of its kind, and it will not be the last. However, there are measures community leaders can take to strengthen infrastructure and instill resilience. Understanding the short-term and long-term goals after such an incident would help Baltimore and other communities restore the

Emergency Management Goes to the Hill

Emergency managers work behind the scenes to ensure the safety, security, and resilience of communities before, during, and after a disaster. As the requests for assistance increase, funding is not meeting these demands. Leaders from three nationwide organizations went to Washington, D.C., to advocate for emergency management professionals and urge

Key Bridge Collapse – Transportation Infrastructure and Global Supply Chain

Any incident or event can easily disrupt the supply chain, whether local, regional, or international. Time will demonstrate the transportation, supply chain, and other critical impacts of the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore. Here are six recommendations to ensure the plans, training, resources, capabilities, and facilities to safeguard the nation’s

Gaining New Skills During Emergency Management Assistance Compact Assignments

Emergency management draws people from many backgrounds and career paths. Some enter the field directly from college, some as a second career, and others have circumstances that lead them to this career over time. Read inspiring stories that led three of these professionals to this growing field.

Recovery – “Coming Back” After Disasters and Emergencies

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has spent decades preparing for and responding to disasters. Now, FEMA is revamping its recovery process. Learn about the current efforts from someone who was integrally involved in previous updates to the nation’s mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery operations.


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