Domprep Journal Cover April 2023

Planning for Future Events Requires Updated Plans

Threats, hazards, and risks change over time as numerous variables change. This means preparedness professionals must be forward-thinking when planning for emergencies and disasters. Past events can teach valuable lessons

Eclipses Again Will Darken the Sky in 2023 and 2024

An eclipse is not just about the sky getting dark. There are many considerations for emergency planners and public safety professionals to ensure the safety of their communities. Learn the lessons from the 2017 eclipse to better prepare for the next event.

Preparedness Promoters - Assessing Marginalized Populations

Certain populations are more vulnerable when faced with disasters. By adapting a public health model, community leaders can identify common vulnerability indicators and close the gaps between emergency management plans and target population vulnerabilities. Learn how.

Covenant School – Reviewing Another Tragic Shooting

The Covenant School shooting is another reminder of active shooter trends. This article reviews the chain of events from that tragic event, post-incident reviews, and what communities are and should be doing to prepare for and prevent future active shooter incidents.
labor trafficking

Labor Trafficking – An Underreported Escalating Crisis

Labor trafficking affects many more people in the U.S. than sex trafficking, but it gets much less attention. Learn what the government is doing and what else community stakeholders can do now to better protect people from this growing threat.

The DoD Defense Coordinating Element and How It Is Certified

Besides the main mission of defending the homeland, Department of Defense capabilities also provide critical support to local, state, and federal civilian partners during major disasters. Learn how Army North’s defense coordinating element’s mission and composition ready their units to perform this additional mission when needed.

Biosafety Laboratory Issues and Failures

Concerns regarding unexpected biological incidents and their public health implications were discussed in a 2014 Domestic Preparedness biosecurity and bioterrorism article. From the improper possession and storage of decades-old live smallpox virus in a former Food and Drug Administration laboratory (lab) on the National Institute of Health (NIH) campus to the possible exposure to live Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, agencies experienced lab accidents and made serious human errors. The biosafety lab concerns were not limited to these two serious incidents.

Hazmat on the Rail

Since February 3, 2023, following the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, the public has closely followed reports and commentary by media outlets and elected officials. This incident has become more controversial and publicized than others in recent years and has caused a public outcry for change.
Emergency Management lesson

Preparing the Next Generation for Increasing Disasters

Preparing the next generation of emergency preparedness and response professionals requires educational programs that teach critical thinking and life-saving strategies. Many programs and resources address these needs, but more educational and collaborative opportunities should be considered to meet the growing needs.
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