Hackers & Federal Agencies: Broken Connections
Rodrigo (Roddy) Moscoso
July 31, 2013
Recent leaks about government surveillance programs that track U.S. and U.K. phone calls and
internet communications have raised major concerns over the privacy of personal communications. There
may be even greater difficulties, though, if current ties between the federal government and the U.S.
“hacker” community are weakened or, perhaps, severed entirely.

Subject Matter Experts & the Theory of Relativity
Sheri Donahue
July 30, 2013
Subject matter experts play a key role in protecting both real and virtual space. Although they may not consider themselves to be “experts,” many private sector stakeholders play a critical part in protecting the nation by sharing their specialized knowledge with the law enforcement community.

Holistic Security – Various Ways to Reduce Vulnerability
Armond Caglar
July 24, 2013
Even multiple isolated incidents may not be enough to raise a red flag that intellectual property theft is being planned. By ensuring that each incident is reported through the proper channels and analyzed along with other reported incidents, agencies and corporations may be able to thwart potential cyber crimes before vital information is jeopardized.

Incident Gridlock – Overwhelming a City
Glen Rudner
July 24, 2013
The U.S. Federal Highway Administration concluded in 2007 that there is a weakness in the infrastructure’s ability to handle the movement of people following a natural or manmade disaster. The 2013 Boston Marathon bombings serve as a prime example of how transportation facilities and government agencies manage complex incidents that have wide-reaching effects.

A Major Step Forward: Private Sector Resilience Coordination
Joseph W. Trindal
July 24, 2013
Emergency operation centers are no longer the exclusive property of government agencies. Various
states are now incorporating centers that specifically focus on the private sector stakeholders the
Business Emergency Management Operations Center in Washington, D.C., is one of the latest additions to a
growing trend.

When Cyber Space Meets the Real World
Markus Rauschecker
July 17, 2013
Emergency managers should not neglect their basic emergency management principles when faced with a cyber incident. Although information technology (IT) professionals have the technical expertise, emergency managers maintain responsibility for coordinating the response to cyber incidents. Therefore, by working together, emergency managers and IT professionals can provide a more effective response.

Seeing National Preparedness Through the Public Health Lens
Raphael M. Barishansky
July 17, 2013
Lee caused less damage and fewer fatalities, but vigorously reinforced the lethal lessons learned from Irene less than two months ago – namely, that: (a) There is absolutely no substitute for advance planning; (b) Planning must be as totally comprehensive, in every way, as is humanly possible; and (c)That saving of human lives must be at the very top of the priority list.

The Island Life – Isolated But Not Alone
Joseph Cahill
July 10, 2013
Public health emergencies, including infectious disease and natural disasters, are issues that every community faces. To address these threats, it is critical for all jurisdictions to understand how law can be used to enhance public health preparedness, as well as improve coordination and collaboration across jurisdictions. As sovereign entities, tribal nations have the authority to create their own laws and take the necessary steps to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies. Thus, legal preparedness for tribal nations is crucial to public health response.

A Roadmap for Improving Cyber Preparedness
Monica Giovachino and Sarah Tidman
July 10, 2013
The U.S. information security and technology communities are no longer solely responsible for protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats – emergency managers also play an increasingly important role in that task. Increasing the overall level of cyber preparedness therefore requires closer coordination, information sharing, and effective planning, as well as frequent assessments.