SBInet: What Happens Next?
James D. Hessman
September 27, 2006
Commentary and AnalysisBy James D. Hessman, jamesd@domprep.com The 21 September DHS (Department of Homeland Security) announcement that the Boeing Company has been awarded a contract to build a “fence” of sorts

Colonel George W. Korch Jr., USA, Commander, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of InfectiousDiseases
George W. Korch Jr. and John F. Morton
September 27, 2006
Korch discusses not only USAMRIID’s own missions but also the close and increasingly important
working relationship between the Institute and the nation’s public-health and first-responder

Marion Cain III, Director of DHS Center for Domestic Preparedness and Dr. Martha Lavender, CDP’s Associate Director for Training and Education
Martin D. Masiuk
September 20, 2006
Podcast DomesticPreparedness Publisher Martin Masiuk met with Marion Cain III, Director of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) and Dr. Martha Lavender, the CDP’s Associate

Forensic Epidemiology: On the Threshold of Change
Michael Allswede
September 13, 2006
The highly specialized skill sets of forensic epidemiologists are essential to deal effectively with bioterrorist attacks, but numerous structural and operational as well as bureaucratic obstacles are standing in the way.

DHS Needs a World-Class Acquisition Workforce
Greg Rothwell
September 6, 2006
Like many other federal agencies, the Department of Homeland Security is buying more supplies &
equipment each year. But it is not hiring enough procurement professionals to ensure that the taxpayers’
money is being spent wisely & for the right things.

The Illegal-Immigration Issue: A Compromise and a Commission
James D. Hessman
September 6, 2006
The American people are confused about the illegal immigration issue, and angry that neither the
president nor the Congress seems to know what to do about it. It says here, that a partial solution is
still possible in the current session of Congress.

Telecommuter Security and the Rules Governing Remote Enemy Access
Thomas Kellerman
September 2, 2006
The Age of the Telecommuter collides head-on with the rapidly escalating threat of cyberterrorism. The hackers have motivation, experience, and a tested game plan. Most information-security officers do not.