Pandemic Preparedness: The Driver for Most Suppliers

Question: Is the United States prepared to deal with a biological-warfare attack? Answer: Not yet – but the nation’s private-sector biotech labs are working closely with state, local, and federal governments to detect, prevent, and/or deal with an attack.

The Highway Watch Program: Homeland Security on the Open Road!

The innovative DHS/ATA “Highway Watch” program enlists tens of thousands of professional drivers as “Irregulars” in the homeland-security volunteer community and, as a bonus, makes the nation’s highways and byways safer for all Americans.

The EMS Community Looks to the Future

The era of “us versus them” is over. In times of disasters affecting the entire local population, all private-sector as well as public agencies must pool their resources in a common effort.

The Highest Priority on the National-Security Agenda

The early and well-publicized House approval of homeland-security “implementing” legislation is an encouraging sign that the new Democratic majority has its priorities right. Many political and financial obstacles must still be overcome, though.
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