Litigation Trends Regarding Security
Neil C. Livingstone
December 17, 2008
One of the most effective weapons against terrorists, surprisingly, is Money! Not the reasonable sums used to pay for new surveillance systems but damages charged against businesses that fail to provide proper security for customers, tenants, & employees.
Coming: An Upgrading of Security Standards for Rail Transit
Diana Hopkins
December 17, 2008
For many Americans the most important date to remember next month will not be Inauguration Day, but 27 January, when the American National Standards Institute’s Transit Security Workshop starts a much-needed review of U.S. rail-security deficiencies.
Safety: Those Who Stay Behind
Joseph Cahill
December 10, 2008
The evacuation of a major city devastated by a natural disaster or an act of terrorism takes multi-agency cooperation, numerous training drills, & dedicated professionals who have the courage needed to stay in place while saving the lives of others.
Preparing for the Unknown
Christina M. Flowers
December 10, 2008
U.S. emergency responders face an ever-growing list of responsibilities related to the emergency preparedness capabilities within their own communities. Those responsibilities influence not only current response tactics but also the
Important Homeland Security Input: High-Ranking PNSR Group Releases Its Final Report
Martin D. Masiuk
December 10, 2008
The report, perhaps the most important and best grounded national-defense and homeland-security
document released since 1947, includes numerous recommendations that, if fully implemented, will add
immensely to current and future U.S. defense capabilities.
Hospital Security: An Age-Old Problem Becomes Increasingly Important
Craig DeAtley
December 3, 2008
The nation’s healthcare workers could become an endangered species if numerous planned improvements in hospital security are not funded and implemented in the near future. Here is a quick look at some of the innovative design upgrades recently introduced.
Hospital Security: An Age-Old Problem Becomes Increasingly Important
Craig DeAtley
December 3, 2008
The Emergency Department of any major hospital or other healthcare facility is commonly a site of workplace violence – with healthcare or mental health workers being the victims in 12