Needed From DHS: An Institutional Commitment to Change

The cities and states seeking grant funds from DHS will be facing an uphill climb for the foreseeable future. DHS itself could help considerably, though, by clarifying the rules, eliminating inconsistencies, dropping all pork-barrel considerations, and – most important of all – inviting U.S. states and cities to become full partners in the decision-making process.

A Three-Question Approach to Grants

“Is the Grant a Good Fix?” “What Will It Take to Implement the Grant?” “What Are the Estimated Continuing Costs of the Project?” Those not-so-easy questions should be asked long before a grant is requested. The answers may at times be discouraging, but not nearly as discouraging as losing a grant because the questions were not asked – and answered – in advance, and in considerable detail.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Grants - The Anatomy of Success

Contrary to what some citizens believe, federal preparedness grants are not “free money.” Applying for such grants takes months of advance planning, hard work and close cooperation between and among numerous agencies, and a meticulous attention to detail at all times. Here is a helpful road map that may not guarantee success but will make it much more likely.

Responder Funding: FEMA & Other Federal Preparedness Grants

Total preparedness is perhaps impossible in the Age of Terrorism – and, it seems, of a major increase in the number and scope of natural disasters. But at least partial preparedness is not only feasible but politically and operationally mandatory as well. As always, preparedness starts with planning – and in the United States, at least, is facilitated and strongly encouraged by financial grants.

The Future of Grants in Domestic Preparedness Survey

Your Opinion Matters! DomPrep wants to know your opinion on how the future of federal grant funding will impact program priorities, multi-jurisdictional and multi-disciplinary collaboration efforts, and the effective administration of grants.



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