Bending the Cost Curve Through Better Design
David J. Kaufman
April 27, 2016
The financial costs of natural disasters have been steadily climbing in recent decades. For policy
makers to reverse this trend, they must understand the nature of the risks they face, the short-term and
localized lenses through which financial decisions are viewed, the pricing signals for risk, and the
standardized building measures needed to strengthen development practices.

Emergency Services/Critical Infrastructure Analysis Methodology
David Flanigan and Steven Taylor
April 27, 2016
The nation’s critical infrastructure – loosely defined as the fundamental facilities, structures, and systems necessary for the basic functioning of daily life – is comprised of diverse components controlled and managed by a mixture of private sector and government organizations with varying levels of responsibility. Understanding the interconnectedness between sectors is key.

Improving the Grade for Critical Infrastructure
Catherine L. Feinman and Joe D. Manous Jr.
April 27, 2016
All infrastructure is not the same. Across disciplinary sectors, agencies and organizations must
identify the key elements necessary to ensure “a system” (e.g., community) has a minimum level of
resilience, as a system is only as strong as the weakest link. DomPrep hosted a roundtable discussion to
address “Critical Infrastructure – A Failing Grade.”

Revisiting PROTECT
Ian Schaefer
April 20, 2016
Two decades of federally funded research and development culminate in a real-time chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) system for detection, surveillance, and crisis management for the nation’s critical infrastructure. Argonne National Laboratory continues to tailor this system for various transit and other critical infrastructure environments.

Water Sector Resilience & Redundancy
Steven E. Bieber and Pamela Kenel
April 20, 2016
With a rich history of coordinated water supply planning, the National Capital Region has been conducting regional workshops and creating new study results to enhance its ability to address the region’s water needs during a crisis. The resulting information will spur further discussion and assessment of drinking water system alternatives for the region.

Five Myths – The Cost of Resilience
Dana A. Goward
April 20, 2016
Roads crumble, bridges fall. It is not that the United States cannot maintain, improve, and build
more infrastructure. It is that so many people believe it is too difficult because of these myths. The
myths have to be debunked to allow new ways of thinking.

Lockdown at Washington College
Rodrigo (Roddy) Moscoso
April 19, 2016
When the decision was made to cancel es on Monday, 16 November 2015 the week before the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday break, Public Safety Director Gerald (Jerry) Roderick drew upon his many years of experience and planning on how to deal with a possible threat to Washington College campus in Chestertown, Maryland.

Replacing Aged Infrastructure: The Bundled Bridges Approach
Thomas Clark
April 13, 2016
Pennsylvania serves as a case study for a new project that could help fortify the nation’s aging infrastructure. A new cost-effective approach for rehabilitating bridges is improving safety, mobility, and resiliency for communities across the state as other states learn key lessons in order to implement similar programs within their jurisdictions.

U.S. Response to Outbreaks of Avian Influenza
Gary Flory
April 13, 2016
Although avian influenza outbreaks occur periodically in poultry flocks, only recently has avian influenza been considered a significant threat to human health and the global economy. The 1997 emergence of H5N1 first brought attention to avian influenza’s ability to cause disease in humans. However, human infection with influenza from avian sources is not a new phenomenon.

Critical Infrastructure & Strategic Assessment
David Wegner and Sheri Tickner
April 13, 2016
Globally, government agencies are at a nexus in how to plan for and address society’s dependence on infrastructure to sustain economies, support and protect people, and implement strategies to provide