Baltimore Unrest - Police Lessons Learned on the Fly
Melissa Hyatt
June 24, 2015
In any emergency or disaster incident, some tasks will be done well and others will be the basis
for lessons to learn and changes to implement after the smoke clears. The Baltimore riot is one example.
Law enforcement officers quickly learned that, even with multidiscipline planning and training for
special events, they were not fully prepared for the unplanned events that unfolded.
Riots - When Civil Rights Protests Lose Civility
Robert Maloney
June 24, 2015
From the Occupy movement to burning cars and looting pharmacies, Baltimore, Maryland, has seen its share of peaceful (and not-so-peaceful) protests. In light of recent publicized civil unrest, cities across the country continue to seek a balance between protecting First Amendment rights and protecting the communities and residents for which these rights were intended.
Serving the Underserved - No Matter What
Jayna Powell
June 17, 2015
For underserved communities, every day is difficult. However, during a civil disturbance, these difficulties multiply – especially in times of civil unrest, when volunteers may be too afraid to work. In Baltimore, the solution to fill the volunteer gap came from social media use and a mobile app used by the mayor’s offices.
The History & Reality of the National Guard
Aaron Sean Poynton
June 17, 2015
The Maryland National Guard was recently activated to quell the riot-induced violence in Baltimore. The National Guard’s roles, responsibilities, powers, and chain of command differ significantly from other military components in that they provide military services to support overwhelmed civil authorities under the command and control of the state governor.
Leadership: Building Better Response Efforts in the Future
Mark A. Desimone Sr.
June 17, 2015
When fate throws a “sucker punch,” one will do whatever it is habit to do, for all are creatures of habit. During the recent civil unrest in Baltimore, good leaders
Promoting Positive Policing Approaches in Communities of Color
James R. (Chip) Coldren Jr. and Rachel Mathieu
June 10, 2015
The recent civil unrest in Baltimore, Maryland, highlights a not-so-new divide between law enforcement and the communities they serve. CNA Corporation has spent years talking with police officers from more than 50 police agencies to find ways to build mutual trust and respect between these two groups. Its findings are now available.
How to Change Response Tactics in Times of Civil Unrest
Michael E. Cox Jr.
June 10, 2015
Unlike responses to hurricanes, floods, or other natural hazards, civil disturbances are more likely to place emergency responders in harm’s way as the situation rapidly and unpredictably changes. To avoid becoming a target for angry crowds with projectiles and gunfire, personnel within the area of active fighting or unrest must be able to make decisions and triage incidents without hesitation.
Civil Disturbance Resilience-Planning, Technology & Partnerships
Vincent B. Davis
June 3, 2015
A peaceful protest can quickly turn to violence, as was seen recently in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Baltimore, Maryland. One industry-leading company applied lessons learned from its previous experiences with civil unrest to ensure the safety of its personnel and promote resilience within the thousands of communities it serves.