A Communicator’s Overview of a Large-Scale Exercise

A June 2022 exercise challenged amateur radio operators with establishing a Communications Unit with no power or pre-positioned equipment. The exercise was successful, but the key takeaways are already helping to improve collaboration and communications throughout the region.

Rationale for Structuring Pandemic Response on a War Footing

Given 20 years of pandemic planning, is it not surprising when people ask, “Why were we not ready?” This question should be explored whether the time has come to put the country on a warlike footing for pandemic response with a coherent, institutionalized, and tested pandemic policy.

Listen to the Warnings, Plan for Threats

Emergency preparedness professionals continually strive to protect the lives and health of those within their communities. This October edition of the Domestic Preparedness Journal describes how some professionals are doing that.
monkeypox vial

Monkeypox: A Public Health Update

  Declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization (WHO), monkeypox has been on the news since early May 2022 due to the high number

Earthquakes & Pandemic – Keeping People Fed Amid Crises

Even though food is necessary for survival, it is not common to see agricultural workers at a disaster training exercise. However, one organization demonstrates why training these volunteers with emergency preparedness and response skills is essential for future large-scale disasters.

Looking Back to Look Ahead to Protect the Food Supply

History reveals patterns that preparedness professionals can use to better protect communities from agroterrorism and supply chain threats. One historical study has been updated to reflect cases of intentional food contamination events around the world. Learn more about this research and how to protect the food supply.
Terry's plane with food

Taking Flight – Creating a Robust Aviation Response, Part 2

Volunteer general aviation pilots have assisted their communities during emergencies and disasters for many years. This is the second of a two-part article on their disaster preparedness efforts in the Pacific Northwest. In this part, they participate in two separate yet coordinated functional earthquake and tsunami disaster exercises.
chemical perspectives

Chemical Sector Perspectives

The Chemical Sector is one of 16 sectors identified as critical infrastructure under the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Domestic Preparedness invited one subject matter expert to answer important questions about this sector and how the sector and its interdependencies can affect any community.

Lessons From Leading Virtual Operations

Over the past two and a half years, most emergency preparedness professionals experienced some level of virtual work, even at emergency operations centers (EOC). And it appears that some aspects of working virtually is here to stay – including during a response. This article describes some lessons learned from one emergency manager tasked with running a virtual EOC.
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