CERT Train-the-Trainer (E0428)
Domestic Preparedness
January 29, 2015
The Emergency Management Institute is offering two courses for professionals and volunteers who are interested in being a local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Manager.
Long-Term Community Recovery Planning Guidance
Kay C. Goss
January 28, 2015
Preparedness planning is a large part of the foundation of emergency management. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Preparedness Report summarizes the building, sustaining, and delivering of the 31
Planning: A Continuing Challenge
Sarah Tidman
January 21, 2015
The constantly changing natural and societal environments create an ongoing challenge to design and maintain current and relevant emergency management plans. Exercises, in particular national level exercises, are an effective way to identify capability strengths and areas for improvement as well as to amend existing plans.
Integrating Law Enforcement & Emergency Management
Lewis Eakins
January 21, 2015
Federal, state, and local law enforcement, with a focus on combating criminal activity, is well aligned with homeland security initiatives. The attacks of 9/11 exposed the need for local law
Cybersecurity as an Emergency Management Function
Ann Lesperance and Steve Stein
January 21, 2015
Although emergency managers plan for all types of disasters that could potentially occur within or around their jurisdictions, cyberattacks present unique challenges when identifying the nature of, and understanding how to respond to, such threats. A true all-hazards approach to emergency preparedness necessarily includes protecting communities against cyberthreats.
The Supporting Role of Healthcare Coalitions for Local Health Departments in Emergency Preparedness
Nicole Dunifon
January 20, 2015
The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), administered by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), provides grant funding to states in order to support sustainable community healthcare coalitions (HCCs), improve medical surge capacity, and enhance community and hospital preparedness in the event of a public health emergency.
Residential Coastal Construction Course Offered by FEMA
Domestic Preparedness
January 17, 2015
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to announce a training opportunity on Residential Coastal Construction designed to train participants to effectively use the Coastal Construction Manual (FEMA P-55). Course E0386 provides a comprehensive approach to planning, siting, designing, constructing, and maintaining homes in the coastal environment.
Emergency Operations Center Activation & the Active Shooter Scenario
Dave Points
January 14, 2015
Law enforcement and emergency management planning actions for active shooter incidents can have large payoffs for communities. For example, emergency managers can assist law enforcement officers in using resources that emergency operations centers can provide, developing training exercises, and securing grant funding for mitigation efforts, training, and equipment.
FEMA's New Planning Doctrine
Jordan Nelms
January 14, 2015
Two new guidance documents further integrate emergency management planning efforts at the regional and national levels. The Federal Emergency Management Agency sets the stage for integrated planning and builds a coherent planning system by integrating the Threat and Hazard identification and Risk Assessment and providing valuable resources for national preparedness professionals.
Ebola - Another Opportunity to Plan & Prepare
Robert C. Hutchinson
January 7, 2015
Three previous public health articles in the November 2013, March 2014, and July 2014 issues of the DomPrep Journal broadly examined serious pathogenic threats that are emerging and evolving around the world to assess preparedness levels