The Sewol Ferry Disaster - Cultural Considerations
Julie Sorrell
May 28, 2014
Culture plays a key role in how communities plan for, respond to, and recover from disasters. In South Korea, the cultural behaviors surrounding training, regulations, and obedience all may have played a role in the number of people who died when the Sewol ferry sunk on 16 April 2014.
Critical Incident Stress Management & Peer Support
Tania Glenn
May 21, 2014
In the aftermath of 9/11, aviation and other transportation incidents have become the focus of much national and international attention. Commercial aviation incidents like U.S. Airways Flight 1549 making
Airport Security - Beyond the Perimeter
Andrew Saxton
May 21, 2014
Although the primary objective of a security system is to prevent crimes, some technologies provide limited information only after a security breach occurs. Information gaps can occur when detection and identification are limited to a specific moment in time. The solution is a layered approach using radar, thermal imaging, and other technologies.
Mexican & U.S. Aviation Security
Clay W. Biles
May 21, 2014
The airport security environment, especially in the United States, has changed significantly since
9/11. Technological advances have helped raise the standards at security checkpoints around the world,
but technology is not infallible. Maintaining a high standard of security requires a balance between
technology and human intelligence.
The Team Spirit of Emergency Management
Stephen Grainer
May 17, 2014
In the area of emergency management, teams and organizations strive to mitigate the outcome of any potential or actual emergency. Such intervention, though, requires trust in team members to perform their tasks when needed. As with any successful football team or racecar pit crew, emergency managers also must devote the time to train together as a team.
Securing Airports - Both Inside & Outside
Richard Schoeberl
May 14, 2014
Deficiencies in the current U.S. security efforts at airports have raised various concerns. Examining past breaches in security and defining the roles of law enforcement agencies are critical security steps. However, passengers also must be prepared to sacrifice some level of convenience to ensure safer and more secure airports and air travel.
Maryland - A State of Good Repair
Bernadette Bridges
May 14, 2014
The condition of the nation’s transit infrastructure is a challenging issue that requires much attention. To address the safety and security concerns, safety professionals are taking a more active role during the plan, design, and build phases of modern transit systems and vehicles. Maryland is one state that is making an effort to maintain its transit systems in a “state of good repair.”
Specialized Training for Rail Incidents
James Metzger
May 7, 2014
First responder agencies must prepare for a variety of incidents that may occur within or near their jurisdictions. Even when an incident involving the movement of large numbers of people – for example, passenger rail transit – does not result in a mass-casualty scenario, many special considerations must be made to protect those who respond.