Jack Beall, Director, National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)

Domestic Preparednessā€™ John Morton met with Jack Beall, Director, National Disaster Medical System (NDMS). The director of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) briefs the state-of-play in NDMS components. Citing the response to Hurricane Katrina as the largest deployment ever of NDMS assets, he draws parallels between NDMS and National

Dennis Atwood, National Program Manager, MMRS

The MMRS national program manager discusses the program & comments on how local MMRS managers are planning to use community resources to respond to mass-casualty events until external assistance arrives and is operational.

Rear Admiral Joseph L. Nimmich, USCG, Director, Global Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Strategy

Domestic Preparednessā€™ John Morton met with Rear Admiral Joseph Nimmich, USCG, Director, Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Strategy. Rear Admiral Nimmich spells out details of the DHS October 2005 plan to implement a Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) architecture that goes beyond pure intelligence sharing to include broad information sharing. How the

R. James Woolsey, Vice President, Global Resilience, Booz Allen Hamilton

Domestic Preparednessā€™ John Morton met with R. James Woolsey, Vice President, Global Resilience, Booz Allen Hamilton. The former Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) provides his insights into why first responders must be constantly aware of the limitations of intelligence and information-sharing ā€“ and, consequently, on the need to emphasize resilience,

Marsha J. Evans, President of the American Red Cross

Domestic Preparednessā€™ John F. Morton and Martin Masiuk met with Retired Navy Rear Adm. Marsha J. Evans in June 2005 at the American Red Cross Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Admiral Evans detailed the Red Cross organizational linkages with DHS and State/Local EOCs for response planning. She also outlined a new


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