Larry Roth, Assistant Executive Director, American Society of Civil Engineers
John F. Morton and Martin D. Masiuk
April 6, 2005
The assistant executive director and COO of the American Society of Civil Engineers shares his views on, among other topics, the ASCE’s latest “Report Card” on America’s Infrastructure, and EPA grants and funding for vulnerability assessments.
Maryland, Georgia, Arizona, & Mississippi
Anthony Lanzillotti
March 23, 2005
This issue: Maryland focuses on assistance grants; Georgia assigns responsibilities to Homeland Security Task Force; Arizona continues TOPOFF4 planning; and Mississippi provides a full calendar of training options.
Needed: Smarter Security
Neil C. Livingstone
March 23, 2005
Since 9/11, many positive steps have been taken to better protect the American people, and the U.S. homeland, from new terrorist attacks. But some of those steps have been in the wrong direction, and others were unnecessary.
Oregon, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Kentucky
Anthony Lanzillotti
March 9, 2005
Oregon City of Portland Selected for Terrorism Exercise in 2007Portland, Ore., one of the fifteen cities that applied to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2004, has been chosen as one of two sites for the “TOPOFF4” exercise scheduled for 2007. The Oregon Office of Homeland Security (OOHS) is
Rosie the Riveter and Homeland Security
Martin D. Masiuk
March 9, 2005
Rosie the Riveter was the poster girl for the U.S. arsenal of democracy that played a major role in the WWII Allied victory. She has been recalled to active duty in the U.S.-led global war on terrorism, and last week made a personal appearance at the Home
Arkansas, New Jersey and Alaska
Anthony Lanzillotti
February 23, 2005
Arkansas Arkansas Department Of Emergency Management (ADEM)The vision of the ADEM states, “The Arkansas Department of Emergency Management will be the recognized leader nationwide for state-level homeland security and disaster preparedness programs, policies, and procedures by 2010.” In keeping with this vision, the ADEM has implemented a list of Suggested Protective Measures for
State Defense Forces: An Untapped Resource
Brent Bankus
February 23, 2005
With a high percentage of the U.S. active-duty forces, and Reserve and National Guard units as well, now deployed overseas, the nation’s governors may be hard-pressed to cope with in-state disasters. The SDFs provide a quick-response, low-cost, experience
GIS Solutions for Medium and Small Law-Enforcement Agencies
Jay Kehoe
February 23, 2005
The new crop of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) programs are compact, affordable, and immensely useful. The local patrol car can use them to check property records, the underground infrastructure, and even the names and breeds of neighborhood dogs.
First-Responder Accreditation: The Pros and Cons
Ashley Moore
February 23, 2005
States, cities, and the federal government are moving at flank speed to upgrade their various, and varying, domestic-preparedness and counterterrorism capabilities. But are they moving in lockstep, and headed toward the same goal? No one knows.
Days of Reckoning: The Maximum Effort
Joseph Cahill
February 9, 2005
In times of major disasters, natural or manmade, few if any hospitals or other agencies have the personnel and other resources needed to handle all the casualties. But a good start can be made by planning ahead, training, working with other hospitals, and
A Note From the Publisher
Martin D. Masiuk
February 9, 2005
Responding to the whirlwind of change that has engulfed the field of domestic preparedness since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, DomPrep.Com has revised and expanded its mission, its audience, and the scope of its coverage. Readers’ comments
Adm. James M. Loy, USCG (Ret.), Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
John F. Morton
February 9, 2005
The senior DHS decision-maker, a former Coast Guard commandant, discusses the newly released National Response Plan, the National Cargo Security Strategy, and National Incident Management System, and a broad spectrum of other topics and issues related to
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