
The Forefront of Innovation in Training & Exercises: Disaster Gaming

Disaster wargaming may significantly change the future of tabletop exercises in emergency management and homeland security. Long used effectively to win and prevent wars throughout history, wargaming offers more realistic and engaging scenarios for emergency managers to prepare for real-world disasters.

Dual-World Tabletop Exercises: Addressing Unmet Infrastructure Needs

The U.S. critical infrastructure is vulnerable to many forms of cyber and electromagnetic threats. This article presents a new tabletop exercise concept for addressing these ongoing threats to critical infrastructure. Similar to medical research groups that involve treatment and control groups, two exercise groups would work simultaneously on the same

Creating a New Standard for Evaluating Tabletop Exercises

Tabletop exercises are vital in preparing organizations to respond to critical incidents. However, an industry standard has not emerged on how to evaluate their effectiveness. A new standard that implements quantitative and qualitative assessment tools is needed.
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