Intelligent Accountability – Being Prepared for the Unthinkable

At anytime the unthinkable can happen – and being able to track and credential first responders in a timely manner can save lives. By using an intelligent accountability system during an incident and/or special event, incident commanders are able to process first responders, volunteers, and equipment at a much faster pace. Incident commanders also can monitor the movement of equipment and personnel to position resources to the areas where they are most needed.

This podcast interview provides insight on the effective use and training of intelligent accountability systems. Key points discussed include:

  • Tracking, monitoring, and credentialing first responders;
  • Providing visibility for an incident;
  • Maintaining a multi-incident system;
  • Implementing a single accountability system; and
  • Training personnel on critical equipment.

Speaker Biographies

Jeana Williams
 Emergency Management Coordinator
 Van Buren County, Arkansas

Jeana Williams is the emergency management coordinator and fire services coordinator for Van Buren County, Arkansas. She has reached out to the youth in the county by serving as co-founder, director, and senior adult leader in the Van Buren County Venture Crew 485, a youth group specializing in search and rescue techniques, firefighting and prevention skills, and emergency preparedness and planning methods. She has been a volunteer firefighter with the Holley Mountain Volunteer Fire Department since 2004. Her numerous awards include: a Letter of Recognition from Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe, a District Award of Merit from the BSA Foothills/Quapaw Area, the Outstanding Community Servant and Volunteer Award from the Van Buren County Rescue Squad, the Arkansas State Emergency Coordinator of the Year, and the Arkansas North Central Coordinator of the year.

Alan Radcliffe
 Emergency Management Director
 Franklin County Emergency Management

Alan Radcliffe has held the position of emergency management director for Franklin County since 2004. He is also the assistant chief for the Pomona Fire Department and a Kansas certified emergency manager. With 33 years of experience as a firefighter, he is also a founding member of the Kansas Incident Management Team, the team leader for the Northeast Region Incident Management Team, and a state certified Type 3 all hazard incident commander. He has 17 years experience in law enforcement with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, serving the last eight years as a detective. He retired as a lieutenant in charge of investigations. He also has three years experience as an equipment operator with the Franklin County Public Works Department.

A. C. Buehler
 Branch Chief for Systems & Technology 
Mutual Aid Box Alarm System – Illinois

A. C. Buehler is the branch chief for Systems and Technology at the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System-Illinois (MABAS). In this role, he develops and maintains MABAS’ web-based database of all deployment-eligible firefighters in the 68 divisions in all 102 counties in Illinois. He is also responsible for the general IT framework for MABAS, management of the Tier 2 credentialing system, management of the various Salamander products for credentialing, asset management and incident management. He served as a firefighter and paramedic in two suburban fire departments as well as in rural Indiana.

Susan Collins

Susan Collins



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