Information Sharing – A Powerful Life-Saving Tool
Catherine L. Feinman
March 29, 2023
Information sharing is a valuable tool used for various purposes. However, this tool’s power in preparing for and responding to emergencies should not be underestimated. Unfortunately, critical information and data

Guidance for Preparing Professionals Mentally for the Worst
James Greenstone and Weldon Walles
March 22, 2023
Professional groups have debated and researched the best practices relating to the standards and quality of care sufficient to maintain minimum standards during a disaster. Due to the fluid

Challenging the Next Generation to Communicate Preparedness
Chris Sheach
March 22, 2023
No single communication solution can apply to every situation. To better prepare the next generation of public safety professionals, one professor is challenging young adults to develop social media messaging that reaches diverse populations and encourages action to protect lives and property during emergencies.

A National Plan to Link Response and Recovery
Robert J. (Bob) Roller
March 15, 2023
In March 2023, FEMA published the Response and Recovery Federal Interagency Operational Plan. Learn about this big step forward for the emergency management community – the development and content of this new plan as well as the next steps for key stakeholders.

Tornadoes – Adapting Plans for a Changing Environment
Cameron Gonteski
March 15, 2023
Common terms like “Tornado Alley” should not get in the way of planning for evolving environmental threats. Meteorologists look at trends and recognize that tornadoes are one natural hazard that is shifting eastward. Make sure state and local hazard mitigation plans are updated and ready for this shift.

Leader of the Pack – Canine Detection
Barb Clark
March 8, 2023
In the wake of a disaster, time is critical for locating survivors and recovering bodies. This type of work requires training, skills, and abilities acquired by canines due to their unique anatomy and physiology. However, there are key considerations before implementing K9 programs.

Fostering Public Buy-In to Support Public Safety
Taylor Bonsall-Winn
March 8, 2023
Emergency managers often go unnoticed until a disaster occurs. However, disaster response efforts are much more effective when communities work together and trust their local responding agencies. Learn how one county has changed its mindset to develop stronger community partnerships and buy-in before the next disaster.