Working Together - More Than Just Protecting a Venue

The responder teams assigned to protect the public at major sports events can (and should) learn a valuable lesson from the college or pro teams actually on the field: Individual skills and effort are needed to play the game – but teamwork, particularly the “team” part of that word, is and will always be the real key to victory.

Florida's Second Civil Support Team Passes Initial Evaluation

In today’s violent world, no nation is ever fully prepared for a terrorist attack – and, therefore, never “fully safe.” The creation and deployment of highly capable National Guard Civil Support Teams, though – Florida’s 48th CST is a good example – is helping to bring the nation much closer to realization of that impossible dream.

FINAL REPORT: Medical Countermeasures for Large-Scale Biological Attacks

Not surprisingly, and despite minor differences of opinion on other questions, career homeland-security professionals and DPJ readers agree in general that there will be another terrorist attack against the United States “within the next 10 years.” What to do about it, though – particularly to be better prepared ahead of time – is and will be a topic worthy of much greater attention now and for the foreseeable future.

Health/Medical Factors Critical in Pre-Planned Events

FEMA, the FBI, and the Secret Service have primary jurisdiction, appropriately, for the safety of National Special Security Events. But the literally life-or-death responsibilities of local medical and healthcare facilities and personnel mandates that they also are fully included in the long-range planning sessions preceding such events.

Lessons Learned in Tampa: Special Event Preparedness

As emergency-management and other homeland-security professionals well know, the forward-looking terrorists of the 21st century are always looking for new ways to kill large numbers of peace-loving civilians at minimum risk to themselves. After all, why murder one or two people when 100 or even 1,000 or more are available – at the same time, and in the same place?

Air Guard Strengthens Stance for Homeland Defense, Civil Support

During and since World War II, those serving in the National Guard and Reserve components have more than lived up to their Churchillian designation as “twice the citizen.” Their long list of missions will increase significantly in the months and years ahead, though – particularly in the field of homeland security.

Using Virtual Worlds to Plan for Real World Challenges

The battle of Waterloo was won, Wellington said, “on the playing fields of Eton.” Today’s high-tech playing fields – simulators and training devices, primarily – are somewhat less vigorous, but arguably much more important and can be used to train veritable armies of professional responders, either as individuals or as members of a well coordinated team.

Should U.S. 'Take Out' Julian Assange

If not, why not? There are good reasons, both pro and con. And is Assange the only culprit? Also, why are senior U.S. officials hiding behind reassuring comments that provide little or no comfort to U.S. allies throughout the world – and/or to the American people, either. Finally, at a time of maximum peril, why is the question headlined above relegated to the “Too Hard” basket?

Pre-Planned Events: An Aid to Preparedness

The shopping list for a typical marathon requires that a number of “comfort stations” be available – also some ambulances and EMS techs, plus police and/or volunteers to seal off and protect a mere 26 miles plus of roads, traffic circles, bridges, and other urban thoroughfares. So why not get some value-added responder training out of it as well?
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