2883 Highway 71 E
P.O. Box 285
Del Valle, TX 78617-9998
Founded in 1998, Domestic Preparedness continues to be a pioneering thought leader in the emergency preparedness, response, and recovery space. The multidisciplinary editorial focus helps professionals acquire critical information to develop collaborative, real-world solutions. With relevant, multidisciplinary, whole-community intelligence from the front lines, practitioners can learn from diverse perspectives. The authoritative, practitioner-centered, multimedia information platform disseminates intelligence the way busy management-level public- and private-sector professionals want to learn. This is the trusted source for content written by practitioners, for practitioners, with relevant, real-world best practices.
2883 Highway 71E
P.O. Box 285
Del Valle, TX 78617-9998
Founded in 1998, Domestic Preparedness continues to be a pioneering thought leader in the emergency preparedness, response, and recovery space. The multidisciplinary editorial focus helps professionals acquire critical information to develop collaborative, real-world solutions. With relevant, multidisciplinary, whole-community intelligence from the front lines, practitioners can learn from diverse perspectives. The authoritative, practitioner-centered, multimedia information platform disseminates intelligence the way busy management-level public- and private-sector professionals want to learn. This is the trusted source for content written by practitioners, for practitioners, with relevant, real-world best practices.
Publishers Message; First Half of 2006 Exceeds Expectations
By Martin (Marty) Masiuk, mmasiuk@domprep.com DomesticPreparedness.com has been online since 1998. When the IMR Group started publication, 18 months ago, of what was then called T.I.P.S. (Total Integrated Preparedness Solutions), our goal was to help first responders, law-enforcement personnel, and other professionals in the nation’s rapidly growing and increasingly complicated domestic-preparedness community work more closely, and more effectively, with one another on a continuing basis. T.I.P.S. started as an every-other-week online publication featuring articles by experts in firefighting, the EMS field, port and maritime security, and various related fields who not only were still active in their chosen professions but also had the rare ability to communicate. From the beginning, the focus of those articles, and of the magazine as a whole, was on Solutions. In other words, simply to discuss a specific problem area was not enough; the writer also had to discuss one or more possible solutions that had been developed or were at least being seriously considered. I am pleased to report to you at this time that we met and in several ways exceeded the somewhat ambitious goal we had set for ourselves. So much so that at the beginning of this year we shifted to a weekly publication schedule and at the same time changed the magazine’s name, and implemented a few additional changes. Our new DomPrep Journal features more but – in response to readers’ suggestions – somewhat shorter articles. Our scope of coverage has increased, and so has the list of distinguished writers on our masthead. The net result is a publication that is both timely and relevant, authoritative and easy to read. Circulation also has grown at a steady pace as more and more domestic-preparedness professionals have recommended us to others. Readers also have a new online exhibits page available to them that they can review at their leisure. Periodically we provide a brief synopsis, by major subject area, of all of the articles published during the first six months of this year. New subscribers can use it as a selective cram course to learn about various topics of interest to them in their own professions. Holdover readers can use it to read articles they may have missed the first time around, or simply to review those articles in the context of various related articles included in the same subject area. We plan to publish a similar omnibus issue the last week of December. A few other forward-looking changes also are under study, but these cannot be announced until the time is ripe. As always, suggestions and recommendations from you, the reader, are always welcome and will be carefully considered.
Martin D. Masiuk
Martin (Marty) Masiuk is president and founder of International Media Representatives Inc. (IMR Group Inc.), which was established in 1986 as an American-based media representation firm for overseas, aerospace, and defense publications. In 1998, under the IMR Group, he established DomesticPreparedness.com, which has evolved into a highly trusted, and important information service for the multi-disclipline, multi-jurisdiction preparedness community. In 2014, he transitioned the DomPrep40 into the Preparedness Leadership Council to lessen the burden on and increase the effectiveness of operational preparedness professionals and help policy professionals make better-informed decisions. Prior to IMR Group, he served as an account representative for McGraw Hill’s Business Week and Aviation Week & Space Technology publications.
January 2025
Keeping Humans in the Loop: The Future of Emergency Management
Imagining the U.S. Without Power: A Dual-World EMP Exercise
January 2025
Keeping Humans in the Loop: The Future of Emergency Management
Imagining the U.S. Without Power: A Dual-World EMP Exercise